S Clay Wilson was trying to get home from a friend’s house November 1, 2008, the night his life changed forever. We will never be certain if he fell or was attacked, since he has no memory of it. The numerous injuries on his face and head made him look like he was beat up. Two good samaritans found him unconscious between parked cars, face down in the rain, and called an ambulance. (I have tried to find them in order to express my gratitude for saving his life, but have had no success.) He’d suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, bleeding in three hemispheres of his brain. He spent three weeks in a coma, and we had no idea how severely impaired he was for many months. Once he began to speak again we realized he hadn’t just “awakened” to resume life as it had been before.
We’d been flirting since we met in 1968. I have been living with him since June 2000, visited him every day for the year he was in the hospital, and brought him home November 10, 2009. Taking care of him 24 hours a day is a daunting task, but one I am devoted to. He cannot go out on his own or he would get lost immediately, nor can he be left alone in the house. He cannot problem-solve, nor do anything for himself. Yet somehow he is aware of this loss of freedom, and some days I can tell it saddens him.
The days he spent drawing were his happiest, but after the first year at home, he stopped doing it. He did about 15 drawings the first summer he was home, but by the next Christmas he would no longer go in his studio. Yet he thinks about drawing all the time, and frequently brings piles of his art supplies onto the bed. I continue to hope this means one day he will resume drawing. He loves movies, so we haunt the libraries, renting up to 20 at a time. We exercise every day, take walks, and friends sometimes take him to lunch, museums, or art shows.
He is very quiet now after being a motor mouth all his life. But he is not a blank slate. His short term memory is shot, and with increasing aphasia, often has trouble expressing himself. (I frequently “put words in his mouth” to help him, and he’s usually able to tell me if I got it wrong.) He is more sensitive now, and needs reassurance every day. He’s always asking if I still love him, and reaches for my hand when we’re walking or watching a movie.
I have put together a Special Needs Trust for him since he is no longer capable of earning a living. He will need 24 hour care from now on since the little details of daily life are a mystery to him now, and he is easily confused. This gifted artist worked as hard as he partied and was a playful, brilliant person. Although he is still capable of worrying about the future, he does not fully understand what has happened to alter it. He is now in need of help. This is a tragic turn of events for a proud man.
The Trust is set up so it can only be spent on him. We pool our meager resources for basic expenses. I hope people will find a way to donate what they can to give him a better quality of life and assist in his ongoing care.
Donations can be made here by clicking on the yellow PayPal button.
Look for his Facebook page at S Clay Wilson.
Thank you!
Lorraine Chamberlain
Wilson passed on in my arms on a quiet Sunday afternoon Feb 7, 2021. I’ve kept the Trust in his name, but I’m now the one in need. I’ve become disabled, so Rena, who was Wilson’s caregiver, stayed on to care for me. I’m so lucky to have her. She has been patient in the years grieving & becoming so reclusive. I am just squeaking by in this old place, and donations are few & far between. I’m not the beloved cartoonist, after all! I hope you’ll consider donating to the widow, however, so I can have a phone, WiFi & cable….even Netflix. As well as the ter expenses after Rent, Food & Power. Like the wheelchair taxi I need for Dr & Dentist appointments & the occasional laundry detergent & shampoo!
thanks so much if you read this far!
love, Lorraine
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on Friday, July 16th, 2010 at 4:05 pm and is filed under Uncategorized.
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July 19th, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Wilson had such an impact on my generation, and by extension, on American culture. A brilliant artist with a rapidograph, a great friend to us and to our children, and a true topical and comic bluesman in art and in life. All good wishes to you both, Lorraine!
Mark and Katha, Johanna and David Dalton, Seattle
July 25th, 2010 at 11:14 pm
Happy Birthday Wilson, I happy to see you are home and doing well.
Love to you,
July 31st, 2010 at 4:52 am
God bless you Lorraine. I loved this man’s wild work years ago and still do.
August 2nd, 2010 at 12:52 am
So glad you took a look at this updated version. Glad to hear from you! xoxo L
August 5th, 2010 at 10:48 pm
Hello Lorraine,
Thanks for updating the site and for taking care of S. Clay. You’re a tough lady and I salute! Love to you both.
August 12th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Dennis, Thanks for your post! Wilson and I were married on Tuesday, Aug 10th. I’m going to try to upload some photos on here. It was truly a happy day.
August 13th, 2010 at 9:39 am
Very, very glad to find this info. I’m 41 now but I’ve been a fan of S. Clay Wilson’s work ever since I was 10 & stumbled across a copy of Zap #4 (I know, I know — perhaps growing up in Lawrence KS (where I later learned Wilson spent some time in the 60’s) helps in terms of context?). It’s safe to say that I had never seen anything so undiluted & visceral, and I can claim w/o exaggeration that his brilliantly contorted & densely-packed art has remained deeply etched into my poor brain ever since. Hooray!
So yeah — thanks so much for posting this update and I sincerely extend all of my best to you for the care you’re giving him. Good stuff.
August 13th, 2010 at 5:37 pm
Congrats to you and Wilson, Lorraine. He is lucky to have you by his side!
Sending all sweet thoughts –
Karin (Green) Moss
August 14th, 2010 at 11:45 pm
Great to see triumph over tragedy! One of the unique talents of this age. All the best to you both.
Love the shot of the old fellas at the hospital. And those socks…
August 17th, 2010 at 10:18 pm
Lorraine: Wilson has a lot of friends and I happily have been one of them since Kansas days. As you know we shared the Leo spirit and spirits for many years. And yet today, amongst us all, there was no one capable or willing to take care of him 24/7 (understandable of course). And so I am truly appreciative that you are doing this for our friend, as I’m sure are all his other good friends and family. Gracias for doing this. Pam
August 17th, 2010 at 11:40 pm
Pammy…Thanks so much for your words of appreciation as well as your INCREDIBLY generous donation to his Trust! It means the world to have the support of his true friends. He needs so much care and attention, I would be adrift without your loyalty and love. Thank you again. xoxoxo Lorraine
August 20th, 2010 at 9:25 pm
Lorraine, you are a beautiful bride! That fellow you married is really cute too. Only wish we could have been at the ceremony to wish the two of you every happiness. I agree with Pam that you have taken on what so many of would never be able or willing to do. Keep doing exactly what you are doing, and enjoy every minute the two of you share.
August 21st, 2010 at 1:50 am
Doug and I are very happy for the two of you!!!! We wish we could have been with you on your special day…….celebrate each and every day with your love and devotion to one another. It’s the simplest things in life that will bring you the most happiness……revel in each and every moment. Le joie de vivre!!!!!!! Love, Duz and Doug
August 21st, 2010 at 7:45 pm
Congratulations! Thanks for taking such good care of him.
August 22nd, 2010 at 11:37 pm
Lorraine, you appear ever more beautiful, & Wilson looks like a visiting ambassador. I wish you all happiness. I know the past few years have been incredibly taxing for both of you, but leave it to you to find a happy “beginning”. When it comes to daunting circumstances, you have never flagged once in the years I have known you, & I can’t tell you how many times I have held you as an example to myself, & it’s kept me going. I’m a happier, better person for knowing you. I keep you & Wilson in my devotion everyday – gentle sea & full sails & wonderful days all your journey together. All my love, Swan
August 23rd, 2010 at 1:32 pm
I was one of those who never quite understood Wilson’s art, but read his stories in Zap and other places just the same. His influence on the underground comics scene is just now being understood. Good luck to the both of you.
August 31st, 2010 at 7:47 am
Lorraine, may I suggest offering a signed “benefit” art print of some type on this site? I know how expensive medical bills can be. I’ve bought a few signed Wilson prints on Ebay, which may be another good outlet for them.
September 5th, 2010 at 7:07 pm
Thanks Ethan. I may do something like that in the future. Please look at the drawings I am posting on here today. MOCA in LA wants to include the originals in an exhibition next year, and we can’t find who owns them. Maybe you would know? Or suggest whom to contact?
September 20th, 2010 at 11:41 pm
Hi Lorraine, I can’t say I know who has those, but I would suggest contacting John Pochna of the 01 Gallery in LA. S. Clay may even know him. He may be willing to help and hosted shows for Robert Williams years ago. If you do contact John, you can tell him his old Friend Luci D. suggested it.
October 4th, 2010 at 1:26 am
Congrats on the marriage and thanks for being there for my favorite artist and father to the most inspirational Checkered Demon! Fight On!
October 6th, 2010 at 12:09 am
Heard about this site from my friend. He pointed me here and told me I’d find what I need. He was right! I got all the questions I had, answered. Didn’t even take long to find it. Love the fact that you made it so easy for people like me. More power
October 20th, 2010 at 5:18 pm
I participated in S. Clay’s Needs Benefit held here at Low Key Studio, after his incident. Always extremely enjoyed his work & can easily see Crumb’s liberation of style due to his influence. Much Respect and Love to S. Clay, from a fellow comic artist as well as long-term comatosis survivor.
November 4th, 2010 at 12:13 am
Just wated you to know, Mike Johnson passed away. He was a big follower of Wilson and started the Underground Hall of Fame with me (Christine Palmer) at the Bucktown Pub.
November 4th, 2010 at 12:14 am
Mike passed
November 6th, 2010 at 9:21 pm
I was so sorry to hear of Big Mike’s passing. He was always such a character, and called often in the past ten years (until recently)…Wilson loved talking to him and making big plans. I was fond of him even though we hadn’t met in person. RIP Big Mike….
November 10th, 2010 at 5:19 pm
lorraine ,We have never met But I Wish to Express My Love for the man & his Work Back in 1993 i Sent him an airbrush Shirt [I called myself AIRSTART back then] He was Kind enought o Send me a Poster fromthe Museum of the Surreal As a Form of Gratitude….I Have a number of letters from him that I Treasure Greatly ….Unfortunately I Am on Disability [Lymphoma & Neuropathy ] or I Would send some sort of Monetary gift to help out ….Just thought i would send My Thoughts out to You & Let you know YOU ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED …..MUCHLOVE to you Both ….Kenny Webber ……Webber[every]Wear …:0)
November 11th, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Kenny, thanks so much for your kind thoughts. I wish you the best, as well! I’ll take a look on FB…I have no objection, since if it’s out there already, why not!
November 11th, 2010 at 8:12 pm
Thanx so much Lorraine …I Will confine my Scribblings to FB Now We are Friends ….A nice Surprize By the Way :0)
November 23rd, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Dear Lorraine , I’ve known the lad since Dick’s Cafe days and was a member of the Art Squad that met on thurs nights for cartoon jams. I still have some of our artwork .
Thank you for everything you are doing.
Much love, Hall
December 2nd, 2010 at 11:21 pm
Dear Lorraine,
I’m a long-time fan of Clay’s work, having stumbled across it in 1970. His powerful drawings had a huge impact on me. We finally met in Seattle in the late 70’s. I have a signed poster that is one of my treasures.
He’s very lucky to have you near.
Best Regards,
December 8th, 2010 at 5:03 am
Please send me another e-mail address so I can donate $.
I’m having a tough time with the buttons on this page…won’t let me log in.
December 8th, 2010 at 2:22 pm
Steve and I met in Lawrence—when he first arrived there from Lincoln– and we have been friends for 45 years now. I am so happy to hear that he is recovering from his tragic injuries and would one day like to come visit you both. As a kid I lived in SF from ’65-67 and at twenty designed posters for McClure Ginsburg the Dead and such. His has been a life to marvel at —an artist of the very first magnitude– his drawing/ cartooning skills simply unequaled by anyone ever. His between-character-dialogue is the best— the best yet written. If you’ll help me to gather up a few photos, pictures and such we shall write a bio of this fellow that will win Pulitzers…..
He’s a living treasure— he is to art what burroughs ‘n’ balzac are to literature. I live with my family here in Tahlequah— the old cherokee capital in Oklahoma— I paint and write every day— you can easily peruse my work on line– Take care of the ol’ boy and let me know what you need— only too happy to help–
December 23rd, 2010 at 5:41 pm
I was Wayne Macura’s girl during the early 70’s and met Steve several times at many Big Eats in Lawrence. He and Wayne were good friends and I believe I have several originals by S Clay Wilson…Wayne was the man with the belt buckle pulled to the side… and was frequently quoted saying “Bite me crank, matey!” I am in the process of moving, however, will look through my pen and inks by Wilson, and will see if you are interested in having them on loan to the museum. These are drawings that are definitely unknown and have never been seen but by a few people. I will see if I can find them.
January 17th, 2011 at 9:01 pm
This post was very nicely written, and it also contains a lot of useful facts. I appreciated your professional way of writing this post. Thanks, you have made it very easy for me to understand.
February 13th, 2011 at 9:49 pm
I hope things will turn for the better. I cried when i read about this.
I was not even born when these guys ruled, but from early own i really loved his art and that was not something to come by as i live in Finland.
I hope all the best. I understand how he must feel, i was mugged a year and a half ago myself, and i am having a “minor” brain injury. I own my life to the witness who called the police. But even today as with those people caught its still no fun.
I wish i could in anyways help, but alas i am broke as i am trying to be an artist myself.
February 13th, 2011 at 10:50 pm
Hell with Crumb, S. Clay Wilson should have done that illustrated bible.
March 19th, 2011 at 12:40 pm
I’ve read his stories – nothing that I ever could show my parents ! And the characters were totally nasty ! Still, I was surprized to find that he is dealing with brain damage from an unexplainable trauma (Accident ? Attacked ?), but can still draw, tho he now can’t care for himself.
He’s older than I am…
March 25th, 2011 at 5:43 am
Perhaps Pissgums and Fatima came to some conclusions before they went down with the ship.
April 18th, 2011 at 5:04 am
I am glad to see the update, though sad to see the latest. I am sure many people have thanked you for the wonderful care you have give Steven. I am hoping that at some point in the future he will be able to venture out into the world of his adoring fans. I have a few posters and many Zaps and have enjoyed them all. I am still very sad about this whole thing I am hoping there are not too many people trying to take advantage of him, I am sure you will protect him.
All my best
Gary Willoughby
April 24th, 2011 at 3:37 am
Hi. Zap was a critical influence on me, and a lot of other Akron, Ohio folk. I’ve done mostly fundraising and grantmaking for a lot of years. I’d be happy to help look into prospects like the Pollack/Krasner grants: http://www.pkf.org/foundation.html
Fleishacker in SF may be receptive: http://www.fleishhackerfoundation.org/grants.html
Gottlieb: http://gottliebfoundation.org/grants/
There are likely more, but I don’t have a lot of information. Thank you for your efforts, and let me know if I can help.
June 28th, 2011 at 8:42 am
Hi Lorraine, very saddened to hear of what has happend to S. Clay!
But very glad to hear he is still with us. that means alot. Can you please forward him this and show it to him? I would appreciate it, and think he will get a kick out of it!
Dedicated to S. Clay!
my lactating <3 letter to the underground cartoonists.
Thanks S CLay!
July 27th, 2011 at 9:28 am
Hi Lorraine! I received your message on my formspring, and here was my reply: http://www.formspring.me/JEAUX/q/220333830941212272 Thanks for taking the time to message me back, i appreciate it. Please say hi to S Clay for me, and give him a hug too.
Thanks again.
July 31st, 2011 at 1:24 am
I happened upon this wonderful website by accident and recognized your name and picture. I have not seen you for many years since Essex. It’s been a long time and I’m glad to see you doing well. Congratulation on your marriage to S. Clay Wilson, I do remember his work. You have not changed at all. Just in case you don’t remember me, I was married to Billy Collins. Your doing great things, good luck to you. Tina Collins
August 10th, 2011 at 8:11 pm
Tina! So glad to hear from you. I will email you soon. xoxoLorraine
November 5th, 2011 at 5:14 am
i am really saddened by what has happend to mr. wilson i have admired his work all my life and knew nothing of this brutal happening…i have no money to send but i’ve got him in my mind beyond words….thanks to you for helping him….
November 26th, 2011 at 5:35 pm
[…] […]
December 4th, 2011 at 5:08 pm
Hello, I have been a fan of Mr. Wilson’s artwork for (can it really be?) almost 40 years, since I first discovered ZAP and the other “underground”comix while in college. I always eagerly sought out any further publications over the years featuring his work. I am sorry to hear about his injury, and hopefully his health will continue to improve. I will forward a check, after all the wild, fascinating art, characters and stories he’s given us all its a small way of saying thanks, S.Clay. All the best, and continue to recover. Mark.
January 8th, 2012 at 8:11 pm
All love and regards to the father of that unforgettable Martian Popeye, The Checkered Demon. I see in S. Clay’s balls-to-the-wall and utterly uninhibited style more than a revolution: his drawings continue to teach me that there is a Lascaux in the pit of every human stomach, filled with our secret scribble-story, and that for whatever anybody else might say, the most perfect thing anyone can do is to be true to that.
January 18th, 2012 at 9:58 pm
I just found out about Wilson’s condition when his biographer emailed me a request for some history. I’m pained as all of us are. Wilson and I started corresponding 35 years ago when I sent him a short twisted piece of fiction and he wrote back with a water color illustrating the piece. I commissioned him to illustrate a piece by william burroughs i was publishing in a seattle punk magazine i edited a few years later. “The Popcorn Kid.” We met a few times in SF, Seattle and LA. I used to send him my current crime novel – he loved freebies as much as I did – and he sent me homemade postcards and posters of his latest show. Please tell Wilson that Ferrigno has nothing but admiration and best wishes for him. I don’t know if he’s reading or capable of following what you read to him, but I’d be happy to send him one. email me with a mailing address.
Robert Ferrigno
February 10th, 2012 at 2:27 am
Somewhere I have a limited edition print lovingly signed “Fuck you. S. Clay Wilson”.
February 20th, 2012 at 11:33 pm
This is Awesome…
I Really Enjoy Your Site…
February 26th, 2012 at 11:20 am
Wilson and his art. It was so challenging and fundamentally different from all the comix art I had ever seen (and I grew up in the era when the Comics Code Authority banned grisly drawings) that I began to seriously reconsider what I had thought about art and the free expression of the creative process. The result was my being freed from unconsidered restrictions of my own thinking, the ideas I would permit myself to have. Thank you, S Clay Wilson. Would that I had the money to donate, as I most certainly would send some this very moment. Happiness that I chanced upon this site! Your creations opened the world for me again so many years ago. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
June 16th, 2012 at 4:58 pm
I am not a relative, and I am not a fan of his work (characters, subject matter …), but I hate what happened to this man. And especially that the knucklewalkers who did this to him, are, as far as we know, still out there, posing a threat to others.
It should be a felony to not voluntarily turn oneself in within a week after committing a serious crime.
July 26th, 2012 at 11:04 pm
I every time spent my half an hour to read this blog’s posts every day along with a cup of coffee.
August 27th, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Wesley Stephen Reynolds Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
August 25th, 2012 at 4:56 am
S.Clay Wilson, I’m in hopes this finds you well. I would like to thank you for your inspiration. I too purchased a stack of underground comix as a youngster (14 yrs old) in a head shop in Old Town section of Chicago. I’ve spent endless hours drawing with pen and ink. I had dreams of being an illustrator. I wish there was a happy ending to that story but there is not. I still have that stack of 25 cent comix, dog eared an yellowed. I still make reference to Star Eyed Stella, Checkered Demon, and Captain Piss Gums. Get Well my friend I’ve never met. I love the picture of you with my other heros Crumb, Spain, and Paul Mavrides. Your Truly Wes Reynolds
November 19th, 2012 at 12:17 am
Awrrrr … Bite me crank, mate!
December 20th, 2012 at 4:38 am
Hi Clay and Lorraine, I just wanted to say I love your work, I walked by your house many years ago and tried to buy you the “perfect pint” before we kicked it at Joe’s. But nay no never this time around… Don’t let the struggle get in your way. It’s all Black and White anyway.
January 26th, 2013 at 1:58 am
I met C through my good friend John Murphy back in 1989 . John recently passed 8/30/12 hope Clay is doing OK
May 16th, 2013 at 5:10 pm
For a short time, I sold Zapp Comics when I was living on the streets of San Francisco in the late 60s. From the meager profit I made, I was able to buy something to eat. A couple of years later in Lawrence Kansas, I came across a painting of his entitled Gunfight at the OK corral which was later stolen from my house.
I have loved his work and I hope he is someday able to return to it…
October 7th, 2013 at 2:37 am
Thank you, Lorraine! Please pass along my high regard and warm affection to Good
Old Clay. Salt of the Clay, we used to say, as he picked one 6-inch incisor with a
Bowie switch-blade preparatory to flinging Babe the Blue Fox to Joshua Slocum among the savage Fuegeans.
Please also let me know any way I can help. I owe Clay for many moments–one being those Buddy Guy and Junior Wells tracks at 4:00 in the morning while overlooking Dolores Park. Also let him know that I was never the ‘Travelin’ Assassin’ he imagined. Blessings to you both. Don Paul.
October 8th, 2013 at 3:45 am
OMG – I had not heard of this. One of the greatest satirists of our generation, laid low by cruelty, rescued by humanitarians, and now sustained by love… Ms. Chamberlain, you deserve the gratitude of countless people who may never realize what happened to this brilliant man, and I hope you can take some small but crucial comfort in the knowledge that he is still aware of and wants your love, and that you have his. I so regret that all I can donate are words and wishes.
December 4th, 2013 at 3:10 am
I’m at a loss for something to say that hasn’t already been said. I’ll go for honesty. I’m very sad about this. Shocked. Angry. Frustrated because I want to help but cant. Wilson was a major influence on my own artwork and a huge inspiration. God bless you for helping him. I hope he starts to draw again even if it is just for himself.
July 21st, 2014 at 6:37 pm
Damn. can’t find the right place to send S.Clay my best wishes for his birthday. So there: from Stéphane Rosse from France. Happy Birthday S.Clay! I remember when I was a teen, reading all the franco-belgian comics, and feeling then their limits already. Started to study english in school and was able very soon to read and comprehend it. Bought “Zap” one day. And I was blown away, instantly . You’re still to this day one of the artist I feel closest to. I have a regular correspondence with Justin Green, an other sulfurous and essential creator.. Love the work you’ve done, it changed a lot of minds- believe me! Hooray for you!
September 21st, 2014 at 3:11 pm
How can I go about mailing you guys a package ?
September 23rd, 2014 at 8:27 am
The address is POBox 14854 San Francisco CA 94114
October 24th, 2014 at 9:25 pm
[…] of everyday life. Read more about Wilson’s injury and the S. Clay Wilson Special Needs Trust here, and please consider contributing. Anybody who loves comics owes a debt to this incredible creator, […]
October 28th, 2014 at 1:51 pm
Grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and remember the 1st time encountering S Clays artwork and have been a fan of his ever since. Years later moved to SF on Dolores St. and found out that S Clay lived just 1 block away! Remember checks drawn in the concrete outside his door as I passed on my way to Dicks Bar in the Castro, (one of the only straight bars in the area). Your art definitely impacts me!
October 28th, 2014 at 5:21 pm
[…] The three clear winners of underground comics who changed my perceptions as the ’60s became the ’70s were Robert Crumb, Gilbert Shelton and S. Clay Wilson. Wilson is permanently down for the count these days and you can get a mini-intro to him and his work in this place and this other place here (Kansas) and this spot as well (current situation). […]
November 2nd, 2014 at 5:06 pm
Used to live on the houseboats in Sausalito. Was a huge S. Clay fan. Captain Crank my fave. Very Sorry to hear of his traumatic injury. I will be buying his published works hope it benefits his special needs trust.
November 17th, 2014 at 8:20 pm
S.Clay’s art changed my life, I hope he is okay (and you too, Lorraine!). for Xmas this year, I will be mailing a donation in my boyfriend’s name because if something so terrible happened to my love, I would be doing what you are.
I’m sure you’re very busy with your health issues and everything you do, but please update when you have a chance.
Love to you and yours.
May 2nd, 2015 at 8:53 am
I was up in my attic here in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, West Wales yesterday looking for things I may be able to sell to raise a little cash, what with being broke, and found a cardboard box full of comix I bought years ago. So I took the box downstairs and started to go through it and was immediately transported back a couple of decades or so. Such brilliant drawings, especially those done my Steve. What a wonderfully warped imagination! I am still broke but was so touched by your appeal that if I do manage to sell some of the other things I found up in the attic I will send some dosh. I had no idea this dreadful thing had happened to him. It’s only because I typed his name into the computer in the hope that he was still hale and hearty that I found out about it. Brotherly love to you both.
July 19th, 2015 at 2:19 am
Sending a whole lotta’ love and grand birthday wishes to you Wilson. Eat cake be happy ypu are loved by the comic art community and your fans….. Flo Wiffit from Dave Sheridan’s comix says Hippy Birthday to ya! love, Dava
July 27th, 2015 at 12:32 am
When I was a little girl, six or so years old, all my friends were reading Archie and Richie Rich. I was reading ZAP!, Wilson’s stuff, Crumb’s stuff. It was great being a hippie’s kid.
I’ll send a donation next payday. I didn’t know this had happened to him.
October 1st, 2015 at 9:01 pm
Just Saw This// Had Headshop in 69/72.. sold lot of comix..So Sorry..Reposting,love,respect,royce/dawgz
October 11th, 2015 at 3:02 pm
Chrissie Hynde’s new autobiography is out, and she mention’s S. as an influence on her about 4 times. Pleasing to me as a fan of both. Currently short of noney, is there anything else to send that would be meaningful?
October 21st, 2015 at 4:45 am
“I happened to be the guy on whom things crystallized but there were some people who went much further than I did. S. Clay Wilson for instance. He made remarkable underground comics. He was more original than I was. I don’t know where he came from. No one had ever done anything like that before, but he was less appealing to a larger audience than my work was. Wilson is a little hard to take. My work had a wider appeal. I kept my work much more readable than Wilson did. Justin Green is one of the best of that period of American alternative underground comics. But it’s more homely, subtler than my work. There was much more linearity, readability in my comics than in theirs. I recently took a look through my collection of underground comics from the late 60’s – early ‘70s. Very few of them were coherent or readable, a surprisingly small number. Most of the artists were so fucked up on drugs they couldn’t make anything readable. Who was buying and trying to read this crazy shit? But Wilson and Green stood out, they were at the top, outstanding.
From an interview with R, Crumb in the New York Observer.
November 22nd, 2015 at 2:08 pm
In the 80’s Steve called me and asked to trade art works. He want a screenprint he had seen of a samurai wearing a kimono with smiling faces. He asked what of his work I was interested in. I told him to send me the ‘grossest’ drawing he had ever done. He sent me the “Penis canning factory” drawing he had done for the Realist. I have it hanging to this date.
Years later Bryan Anderson brought him over to my house in Lawrence. They brought a bottle of Tequila which we finished as we watch “Beach Party Bingo”on the tv. Steve knew all the words to the movie. It was truly amazing as he lipsynched every word by every person in the movie.
November 22nd, 2015 at 4:31 pm
What a great story! I’m going to read it to him at breakfast this morning. I know he’ll get a real chuckle out of it. Thanks so much for taking the time to share it.
November 22nd, 2015 at 4:43 pm
Dearest Roy,
Sorry not to have replied to this! I’ll read it to Wilson today. I was under the weather back in May when you wrote it. Not that I’m so much better now….just getting used to it. I’ll say hi to him for you. Cheers, Lorraine
March 13th, 2016 at 3:58 am
Hi. I hope this isn’t weird. I’m a college student from Kutztown University (Kutztown, Pennsylvania) taking a new course from my english department, 370: Comics Course. I am actually doing a presentation on your husband, about his life and art and his work in the Underground Comix Movement. It was all very fascinating and obscene, but very liberating and I’m excited to see what my other classmates will think of your husband’s work and the movement.
I thought I should tell you this because of everything I have read about your husband and you (gosh that sounds creepy). You both seem like wonderfully interesting people and that I’m glad that you have stuck with Wilson all these years. You both are amazing and I hope with this presentation people will see your husband’s work and think differently about what they believe is the standard for art and comments of what is obscene or liberating.
Anyway, good luck.
March 13th, 2016 at 6:17 am
Dear Macey,
Thank you so much for your letter. I promise to read it to Wilson in the morning. I will write an email to you privately with some material that might be helpful to your project, should there be time enough for it to reach you. It is so exciting and brave of you to approach your fellow students with this material, especially with how repressed things have become in the past 20 years. I find it very encouraging, and Wilson would be so pleased. I hope you’re not run out of town!
I’ll write you a note now, in private. Again, thank you for this. Best of luck.
May 31st, 2016 at 1:14 pm
Hi Lorraine. I’m having trouble finding donation info. Is there a button?
My best to Wilson
June 1st, 2016 at 4:28 pm
Yes! It’s a PayPal button. Right on the page. It says DONATE. Just click on it.
July 17th, 2016 at 4:48 am
Hello Lorraine;
I am 61 years of age and I first encountered S. Clay’s work while in college. I eagerly bought every ZAP comic on campus the moment it was released. Seeing his work was love at first sight! I felt compelled to donate to the trust. I hope his days are spent in comfort and peace. I know how difficult it is to be a caregiver, having done it myself.
I hope the Checkered Demon gets his free tumblers some day!
Nick T
Mission Viejo CA
October 28th, 2016 at 4:12 pm
I was with Wilson on that fateful day. I’ll always wonder if I did something different the “accident” wouldn’t have happened. Here’s my brief story:
November 19th, 2016 at 8:32 pm
Hi Loraine. just saw this update. glad you are carrying on as need be. we ore ok. r too suffered a severe brain injury. after deing diagnosed w dementia in 2013, he rolled his car in 2014 on dark hi-way, exacerbating the brain screw-up dementia style. sounds like you have a huge task. r remembers you both, last i checked. wish we cd help. we are both fortunate to have combined 1500. a month SS income, and in MS< it can be done, to carry on w that amount. r did visit Sclay in hospital,last time we we're in San Francisco.know we are thinking about you both and hope for the best. are you at the above address? if so, i'll have r send a framed B&W photo, if ya have room for it, you cd maybe sell it. yes, he has forgoten how to use digi-camera but my guess is he cd still operate the hell out of a dark room. sclay's drawing is hardwired, old memory, so yes, he'll create. let me know if yu'd like a b&w of old days. send to my email, plz. thanks, kc
July 6th, 2017 at 7:20 pm
I knew Wilson from Dick’s bar, which I referred to as “my living room” since I lived across the street.
He lived maybe 6 or 8 blocks away, and for a while, I enjoyed hanging out with him & one or two others @ his place after bar closing time.
I’d help if I could, but I’m living on a shoestring in Ecuador after getting sick of being hassled by “the man” in u$a.
July 25th, 2017 at 10:53 pm
It’s his birthday today! Thanks for writing! I will read this to him.
July 26th, 2017 at 1:55 pm
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! S Clay Wilson has always been and continues to be one of my favorite artists. I can always count on his work to inspire, shock, and awe my brain. My thoughts are with you guys on this special day. Hails! You are the best!!!
Dennis Franklin (Satanist Cartoonists/ Satanic Mojo)
July 28th, 2017 at 1:51 am
Dear Dennis,
Thanks for the note! I’ll go read it to TheMan right now. He loves to hear from everyone.
Again, thank you for being so thoughtful.
February 3rd, 2018 at 7:01 pm
I am a anthropology professor who has published two very large volumes. printed and e-books entitled; The Illustrated History of sex. It encompasses human sexual history though time and all cultures where sexual information is available. The first two volume has been printed you may view it at
web site with bio and pages : http://www.sextheillustratedhistory.com/.
The three volumes will contain over 800 illustrations so I cannot purchase rights.. Numerous big galleries like Hans van der Kamp of AMEA, Robert Post, Walter Girotto, Mathew Stradling, Gerard Daran, Andrew Calimach of His. of Male Love, Grith Gough of Eroticartlovers, , AK Antiek, Werner Forman, Sadigh, Bakakat , etc.,have given me permission, to contribute to world art and for advertising purposes.
It would be excellent advertising for your site OR GALLEY if I credit each photo I use by naming your website! The book will also have a web site where we can be linked for your advertising. If you are willing to give me permission then please let me know how you would like you artist/ photo credited
> Sincerely
> John Gregg, jrgregg88@gmail.com
Book website with and pages : Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture
Youtube: https://youtu.be/JFS5d45jMBw
Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture
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Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
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Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
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Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
February 3rd, 2018 at 7:03 pm
ohn r gregg Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
February 3rd, 2018 at 7:01 pm
I am a anthropology professor who has published two very large volumes. printed and e-books entitled; The Illustrated History of sex. It encompasses human sexual history though time and all cultures where sexual information is available. The first two volume has been printed you may view it at
web site with bio and pages : http://www.sextheillustratedhistory.com/.
The three volumes will contain over 800 illustrations so I cannot purchase rights.. Numerous big galleries like Hans van der Kamp of AMEA, Robert Post, Walter Girotto, Mathew Stradling, Gerard Daran, Andrew Calimach of His. of Male Love, Grith Gough of Eroticartlovers, , AK Antiek, Werner Forman, Sadigh, Bakakat , etc.,have given me permission, to contribute to world art and for advertising purposes.
It would be excellent advertising for your site OR GALLEY if I credit each photo I use by naming your website! The book will also have a web site where we can be linked for your advertising. If you are willing to give me permission then please let me know how you would like you artist/ photo credited
> Sincerely
> John Gregg, jrgregg88@gmail.com
Book website with and pages : Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture
Youtube: https://youtu.be/JFS5d45jMBw
Sex, the Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
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Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
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Preview YouTube video Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
Sex, The, Illustrated History: Through Time, Religion and Culture by John R. Gregg
June 13th, 2018 at 4:33 am
I remember meeting S. Clay Wilson at a Christmas party my Dad held in 1984. He was definitely the life, especially to a 13-year-old kid. I still have the signed copy of Rotting Zombie Madonna he gave to Bruce and Kelly (my Dad and his partner). I wish it were possible to meet hiim once more to thank him for enriching my life.
June 16th, 2018 at 4:43 pm
I enjoy reading your web site. With thanks!
July 4th, 2018 at 9:37 pm
Dear Ms. Chamberlain,
Is it possible to commission Mr. Wilson to design an Ex-Libris plate? I have just rediscovered his art after an absence of 40 years (my Zap Comix disappeared when I went off to college in the 80s). I am a collector of the illustrated books of the decadents (ranging 1890s-1920s). I can think of no one more qualified than Mr. Wilson to provide a book plate for these texts. I hope this is not an impertinent question.
Offering my sincerest regards,
Malcolm L
July 25th, 2018 at 8:00 am
I will certainly read this to him! Thank you so much for this lovely message. While ordinarily it would have been possible to visit a few years ago, he is more frail now, and can no longer speak. I keep visitors down to those he would recognize, and are close friends. I wouldn’t want him to ever feel he was on display, so I must decline your request. I hope you understand. Again, thanks so much for remembering him, and for taking the time to write.
December 17th, 2018 at 6:38 am
You, Lorraine, are a beautiful human being! And your husband is a very lucky man to have you.
I have not read all the other comments, so I’ll ask my question: is it possible to buy any drawing that he made before his very unfortunate accident? Maybe a reprint?
Keep on being a good wife, and a human being. You are what we need more of! Kindness, compassion and empathy. I actually cried as I read this
What kind of help do you get from the government? I live in Norway. If anyone (also an immigrant) had an accident like this, would get an apartment without stairs, free taxi, you, his wife, would get a car to help him get out of the house, and of course free homecare. Have you thought about getting a dog or a cat? It’s incredible how animals work on people’s depressions and energy
December 26th, 2018 at 5:39 pm
Lars! Hi there. Thanks for your kind message. You know, don’t you, that after reading this Americans will all be moving to Norway? I’d pack up Wilson and move there now if I could!
I’ll write back to you soon. Happy Holidaze, Lorraine
December 26th, 2018 at 9:42 pm
I hate to see the situation with Clay. I did not know of his injuries. I have ben a huge fan of his since way back. I am certain I was not a TYPICAl follower of his artwork. I was a Marine Vietnam vet when I came home and started college at Southern Illinois University in 1968. I also became a police officer in my hometown. Short hair and the whole deal. Somehow I stumbled on his stuff I think in a Zap comic and was immediately a fan. It was just so far out and crazy. I thought what kind of mind could imagine this stuff. The Demon immediately became my hero and myself and a couple more cops going to college used to look forward each month for a new issue. There was a head shop downtown and I used to walk in there in uniform and peruse the comics. The owners thought I was there to bust them for something. Me and my friends use to use the sounds he put in his comics and other cops would look at us and shake their heads. I saved Zap comics and carried them around for years and finally gave them to my son when he was about 35. he loves them too. I will send a donation for his aid. wish him best of luck. Another Midwest country boy.
February 23rd, 2019 at 7:00 am
Please tell him thanks for all the laughs that cheer me up in his comics! From a young aspiring cartoonist, Jason Meadows.
October 26th, 2019 at 4:52 pm
I lived next-door to Steve Back in 67/68 in Lawrence. I’m sure he would not remember me but we played chess many nights as he was getting me stoned for the first time. Hey give me a ride up to law school on his hog. What fun Seeing that incredibly straight, shorthaired law students freak out.
Also helped assemble the first Wilson portfolio and still treasure my autographed copy. Just learned about his plate and will make a donation to the trust.
November 22nd, 2019 at 8:18 pm
A modern Bosch is the right term for this extraordinary artist. Amazing without question.
November 30th, 2019 at 8:02 pm
I’ve loved the checkered demon since I was knee-high to a gopher back in Michigan. My wife was looking for something in the attic and found a comic which appeared to be British in origin (Knockabout) which had a checkered demon story in it. The protagonist was searching for the perfect pint in this allegory of the human condition. I took a picture with my phone and sent it to the guy who got me into the checker demon in the first place, he lives up in Washington state now.
He responded:
Some days I get tired just smiling
They weren’t a large gang, just a gang of large guys
Pick up on those free tumblers
Them pipes is hot mother fuckers, no shit!
Then I looked up S Clay Wilson to see what had happened to him. I had no idea San Francisco had become so dangerous. I’ll send a donation.
Best wishes from the South Bay:
January 6th, 2020 at 11:00 pm
I loved your note, and will read it to Wilson today! Thanks so much…hope you had a lovely holiday, and 2020 brings you everything you wished for.
January 13th, 2020 at 5:33 am
I’ve always been a big fan. So sad what happened. I no longer have any of his comix but I can recall many images from the stories. They are with me for life. Thank you for taking care of him…
May 4th, 2020 at 8:11 pm
Steve. been going through a box of cute notes.
I hope Lorraine can read to you. Me, you and Iggy P
still here. Just went through the “Bob Book” been
on that “water wagon” 5 year. Dick’s to 3434 and
back to be here now is a true
May 4th, 2020 at 8:48 pm
exception to nature. You worked more than anyone
I knew and to be your friend ment something to you.
July 27th, 2020 at 3:21 pm
Belated Birthday Greetings to you, Wilson!
Wasn’t online yesterday as I was taking a break and watching Machete and Planet Terror, two movies by Robert Rodriquez. I think you would like these movies, although not if you’re actually squeamish.Blood, broads, and bullets, along with tongue in cheek comedy, as only Robert Rodriquez of Los Troublemakers studios can provide.Greetings and much happiness
to you,Lorraine! You’re doing a stellar job taking care of Wilson! I’ve been in your exact place and I know what it’s like. I love you for all your effort!
Wilson, you mean so much to me! My world has been a better place having discovered your work, back in the 70s, for good or ill, which tells you alot about me.
Take care you two, It’s a nice day for somethin…Artemisia & Bill
September 17th, 2021 at 6:05 pm
Hi Lorraine,
Hope you’re well.
I’m writing here to request permission/license to reproduce S. Clay Wilson’s illustration in a magazine.
Can you please reply to the email provided so I can send you further details?
Thank you!
February 7th, 2024 at 7:35 am
Good luck